HOROSCOPE FOR THE YEAR AHEAD: January through May 2022
Major life themes that any new year brings are tightly connected with the overall happiness of Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and the good fortune. During 2020 and 2021, the years of the global Covid-19 pandemic, Jupiter lingered in the Saturn ruled constellations – Capricorn (2020) and Aquarius (2021), where restricted is the gentlest word I can think of to describe how our bearer of luck has felt. In Capricorn (remember our 2020), Jupiter feels at its worst – a total catastrophe of traps, lack of movement, lack of space, gasping for the breath. There has been some optimism in 2021, while Jupiter moved through Aquarius, and the rich expansion of ideas, but not a sufficient forward movement. We have been working through and around critical social concepts; however, everything we have been creating is still in midair. For Jupiter's story, those two constellations represent what we in storytelling call the dark night of the heroine.
The most numerous of my clients in 2021 were Aquarian souls (born with the Sun or rising in Aquarius). They needed most support for they spent the year trying to please their guests: their guide Saturn who will be spending more time in Aquarius and confined and therefore miserable and depressed Jupiter. There isn’t a clearer picture I can think of to depict to you the Jupiter’s confinement than locking an eagle into a parrot’s cage.
But, hey, today is a good day – Jupiter packed the bags and moved on. The constellation of Aquarius is ours again and drama-free! Everybody, clean your space, burn some dry rosemary, and dance your frustration off. Or, dive into the water!
Where is Jupiter headed?
On December 28, Jupiter dove into Pisces – the home constellation. In Pisces, Jupiter gets interested in a whole set of different things than when he parties in Sagittarius. In Pisces, Jupiter expands our vision and imagination, our ability to comprehend beyond what is evident and known. We will be getting into the realm of dreams and possibilities, into the depths of our emotional bodies. We will undoubtedly shed tears and let go of the tension we've accumulated in the last two years. Though our bodies will be releasing the stagnant energy from January to May. This may come in the form of sudden blurts of emotions, physical trembling, heavy menstruations, weight loss, unexplained skin breakouts, even shedding of the upper layers of skin. Or it may come in the form of releasing stories through dreams or art, then, the need to communicate and share these stories via any medium available. The need for therapy or therapeutic practices such as yoga or reiki or any type of massage focused on the energetic body and deep tissue healing. The release will come through the body – keep this information in mind. Powerful orgasms are needed throughout the year, and will be profoundly healing. And no, you don't need a partner for this kind of exploration. Although, Jupiter in water sign does bring bodies together. People, ideas, and ideologies will come together. All these reasons we held onto that separated us one from another will become less important. We'll find the middle ground for all our either-or issues.
Water binds, but it also deepens. Some of you will leap into new partnerships; others will deepen what we have. But we will ALL experience a more profound level of connection to people. Be aware of this, and don't hide from it. This is the moment to strip all our coverings and masks in front of those we care about. Your honesty and bareness will be awarded glorious new knowledge and experience. Remember how we lived virtually and mentally the last two years? Now is the time to let the feelings come in and through. The award for the EMO of the year might be yours to collect.
Jupiter in Pisces will open us to possibilities to accept new visions and new visionary leaders. New voices will come through and be heard. Are you one of them? How can you employ Jupiter to help you?
In the following text, I am offering a short overview of Jupiter's story for your rising sign. You may also read the text for your Sun sign, though the rising will give you a more accurate answer.
I use Whole Signs system to write horoscopes and Placidus when I read individual charts.
Until January 15, 2022, you can schedule your Year Ahead Reading with a special discount which brings the investment down to $65.
The first part of 2022 is reserved for rest and reset. Until May, Jupiter will be spending time in your twelfth house, which means that all your work might be known and visible only to you. This is a space of the unconsciousness, dreams, possibilities (that border with impossibilities), all the hidden realms of ourselves. Having Jupiter there means opening to things we haven't even considered before. So, take this time to indeed rest and dig into the parts of your heart and mind that you haven't traveled to yet. Try out meditation, yoga Nidra, maybe even hypnotherapy. Let your emotions flow effortlessly. Then, come May, when Jupiter moves into your constellation and your house of the self, you will have both time and space to show everyone what you're made of. And you’ll start fires!
Considering that the eclipses will be shaking your constellation until the end of 2023, driving you through a myriad of changes, it's good to know that Jupiter will warm up your house of network and community, arming you with all the necessary support for the upcoming period of transformation. How can you connect on a deeper level with your community, or how can you grow a new one? This is the time to expand your social media reach (if you care about having one) or build a solid online platform for your art or business. Jupiter will help you bind ideas and get into the creative flow.
Are you ready for the gran blast-off of your carrier and public life? For twelve years, you have been waiting for this moment where doors will be opening in front of you. Finally, finally, the puzzle pieces are coming together; everything links. But are you ready to act instead of talk about acting? Jupiter is a trustworthy ally when happy like this year, and your ideas are worth taking risks for. The only thing you must be careful of is your body: it will be easy to overstretch it or over-exercise it. Our bodies have their limits, and Saturn will keep reminding you of the boundaries as you let Jupiter teach you about expansion. Your ruling planet Mercury will be stationing retrograde four times in 2022. Take these dates into consideration when traveling, signing contracts, or publishing/broadcasting your ideas. Mercury retrograde marks time for revisions, reflections, recalibration.
Mercury retrogrades in 2022 four times!
January 14 – February 3, 2022
May 10 – June 3, 2022
September 9 – October 2, 2022
December 12 – January 18, 2023
What a great year you'll live, Cancer! Jupiter in your ninth house will take you on an exquisite journey: you'll be introduced to new knowledge, new ideas, new places, new people, new experiences. You might move to live in a different country or continent, or you might start learning something new through school or self-paced studies. The experience will change you for life. Perhaps, you'll travel and then fall in love with a foreigner who will then open you to a whole new world of knowledge. If you are traveling, follow the waves – you want to stay close to oceans or larger bodies of water, big lakes, or rivers. Jupiter in Pisces will open you to fertility and creativity. You will be blessed with the gift of conception: in the form of a new life or new ideas. Let the water inside you unite with the water outside of you – the flow will be miraculous.
What a year for securing finances! Jupiter in Pisces in your 8th house of investment, real estate, and shared resources will be bringing you an incredible flow of money. Receive and invest, keep the water running. Remember that money is energy and linked with your overall wellbeing and the health of your energy body. There are energetic pathways in our bodies through which flows chi or prana – our life force. The water element is the most important for keeping us within a healthy flow. Jupiter in Pisces will help you clean and charge those pathways, and hence, you'll find yourself in an unstoppable flow. Be kind to yourself and handle your resources with respect.
What if I told you that you would make some serious commitments and soon? If you are single, you might travel for work and end up meeting your soul mate. If you are in a relationship – it's time for making decisions. You've got both Jupiter and Saturn supporting you fight for love. This theme of commitment might thread through your work life and surprise you with a new business partnership that would just as well change your life.
We are meant to walk this earth in union with others and share love and good fortune. You are born too cautious and lately, you have been restricting yourself from joy. Now enjoy the opening of your heart. And pay attention to your heart chakra and cardio-vascular health.
Your ruling planet Mercury will be stationing retrograde four times in 2022. Take these dates into consideration when traveling, signing contracts, or getting married, or publishing/broadcasting your ideas. Mercury retrograde marks time for revisions, reflections, recalibration.
Mercury retrogrades in 2022 four times!
January 14 – February 3, 2022
May 10 – June 3, 2022
September 9 – October 2, 2022
December 12 – January 18, 2023
We say that Jupiter inspires growth and expansion wherever the planet shows up. However, I like to caution those hosting Jupiter in their house of the body to be extra vigilant towards their health. Libras, in the first part of the year, January through May, Jupiter may enhance and gravitate any chronic problems you have been dealing with. New acute conditions may require your attention, or you might be experiencing the excess of water element in some parts of the body in the form of swellings or cists (in ovaries or kidneys). A balancing ayurvedic diet may be of help if water retention occurs. Be careful with using any medications or supplements you didn't need/have a prescription for – this placement of Jupiter might bring new allergies. Come May, the good fortune will be moving into your house of partnership where new adventures are awaiting. Starting a business with a new partner might be on the table too!
From January to May, the focus is on your body. Remember: your body is your soul's home and requires the same attention, love, fresh air, and clean water as does the house you live in.
Similar to what will be happening in the Taurus constellation, the next two-year eclipse cycle is going to affect you and transform you on such a deep level that you can't now grasp – not even with the help of Jupiter's expansive imagination. The growth affects your home and your understanding of your lineage, especially the female ancestral line. There are buried stories that want to be released, the trauma that needs to be healed, and fears that must be faced and overcome. Jupiter in your home might come in the form of a new family member or the expansion of your personal space, perhaps a move if you have been considering such a change.
The spring eclipses in your sign, and the south node's residence close to your Sun will be preparing you for an epic fight for your voice, your space, and your rights. Don't miss the unique opportunity to use your skills, wisdom, and words to heal not only your wounds but the wounds of the community.
Yes, Jupiter is a parent to both you and Pisces, but your siblings need support and attention in the period ahead. From January to May – it's not about you. You can stay at home more (for a change) and relax. Finish up the work you have been postponing, focus on the family and children (yours or children in your surroundings), focus on the important life stuff you consider chores. The key is to charge your batteries in the first part of the year because, when, in May, Jupiter enters Aries, the doors will be opening. Your creative projects and your business will blossom – you will not have time anymore to check the dots on your to-do list.
Jupiter will spread joy in your field of communication, writing, and publishing/broadcasting. Have you been working on a book of a sort? (V)Blog, podcast, an app? If you have been hiding a creative project, now it's time to find people who will help you share your work with the world. Capricorn writers – now is time to find an agent or publisher. This is a one-in twelve-year opportunity for your work to be seen and accepted – don't get self-critical, skeptical, or lazy. Send your work out and fast!
If you haven't kept a creative project in your desk drawer and you have no idea what I'm writing about, ask yourself if there is something you do on the side that can blossom into a secondary source of income, and get on it!
2022 is such a promising year for securing abundance and investing without guilt. Jupiter will broaden your perspective and your reach. Invest in real estate. Invest in your talents. Bet on yourself – you can't lose. Your ruler, Saturn, is still close to your Sun and will keep you alert and safe. Even if you fly high, you will not fall face down. Boundaries are an essential part of every adventure, and Saturn keeps you in check with yours. Have faith in yourself and the greatness of Aquarius. The spring will bring joy into your home, you will be finishing up remodeling, or you will be creating a personal space – a studio or an office. If you are thinking of buying a home or a space for business, go for it, the stars support your wishes.
Is there a hobby of yours that could earn you money? Think about it. You can bet on your skills and knowledge and win.
Hello, Pisces! What a wonderful time is ahead of you! Let's forget about the two-year-long turmoil you've suffered and focus on the goodness that is available for you. When your guide visits your home, possibilities are endless. You will be the shining star of the Zodiac. Luck is yours – try it out. What have you been dreaming about? Can you now make your dreams come true?
You have been cradling a new life: this can come to you as a child (or even twins), or as the words say, a new life for you – you can change some or all the pieces of your life's puzzle. Move to a faraway land, change your career completely, change your image, change your way of seeing the world, experiment in your love life, and allow yourself to claim the next level of sensuality.
From May through October, you will be working hard on securing financial stability for the future.